sevensor 2 days ago

What's wrong with the Fourier Transform is that everybody and her pet rabbit can give you a half-baked explanation of Nyquist, but nobody understands windowing at all.

timonoko 3 days ago

Wrongness is that nobody bothered to explain what it means. Only 60 years later watching Youtube-video I learned that is was that simple. Mind blown.

Could not find good video for EigenVectors and Nabla and all that shit. So incomprehension prevails.

  • tux3 2 days ago

    If you couldn't find any good video, you may want to try books.

    There's more than enough texts on Linear Algebra that you should be able to find one that works for you, it is a very popular and widely taught topic.

    • galangalalgol 2 days ago

      Different people learn in different ways, and luckily Gilbert Strang recorded all his lectures on mit open courseware before he passed. So now he can be the best linear algebra teacher in perpetuity.

      • coldtea 2 days ago

        >Different people learn in different ways

        Not so sure, the idea of "learning styles" (visual learners, etc) has widely been debunked.

        • jasode 2 days ago

          The Learning Styles™ as in "visual vs auditory vs physical" is what the example articles from google searches have been about:

          But that's not the same as different types of explanations or different illustrations/animations may finally unlock the key (that "aha" moment) for different people.

          E.g. many of us can instantly see trends and correlations in a illustrated graph rather than staring at a long list of numbers for hours. The so-called debunking of Learning Styles doesn't change why different re-arrangements of the same information can work better for comprehension or teaching.

          • carlmr 2 days ago

            >E.g. many of us can instantly see trends and correlations in a illustrated graph rather than staring at a long list of numbers for hours.

            Some may even use this to suggest a correlation where there is none.

        • galangalalgol 2 days ago

          Learning styles in the formal sense yes. But if you have dyslexia, a video will be better. And if you have auditory processing disorders or deafness you'll want closed captions.

      • braincat31415 2 days ago

        Dr.Strang is still alive, isn't he?

        • galangalalgol 2 days ago

          He is! Cue the mark twain quote. Someone at work told me he had passed. Good news.

  • danhau 2 days ago

    What annoys me is that nobody seems to explain the FFT well. I would love to understand that algorithm, bit so far I haven‘t found resources that made it click for me.

    • AndrewOMartin 2 days ago

      I saw this one a while ago. - The Remarkable Story Behind The Most Important Algorithm Of All Time

      In summary, FFT is just a "dynamic programming" version of Fourier Transforms, in that it's the same idea, just with avoiding repeating a lot of duplicated calculations.