Show HN: Reverse Engineer This Site

3 points by jdmcd 3 months ago

Hey Hacker News! ReverseEngineerThisSite is a challenge that we put together as a recruiting tool for an open Founding Engineer[1] position, but figured that this crowd may also enjoy hacking around on it (you don't need to be looking for a job). We’ve found it to be a good way to test for very specific competencies we care about while also at least somewhat protecting against AI doing *all* of the work.

Would love any feedback or thoughts if you get a chance to play around with it - and if you know anyone looking for their next role in NYC, please do send it their way


KomoD 3 months ago

Disappointed by the sign up requirement but I understand why.

Are the other people on the leaderboard real? I got the top spot because it wasn't so hard.

  • jdmcd 3 months ago

    re: signup, yeah that feedback is valid, it might be worth implementing a signup that doesn't require an email and could be just username/password based. Will look into this.

    And yes everyone else on the leaderboard is real! :) you crushed it!