Ask HN: Home wirless router with focus on security?
Ideally a router that works with minimal configuration and doesn’t require too much tinkering. Some features I am interested in:
- Firewall: Controls for both inbound and outbound traffic.
- Ad blocker: Something akin to Pi-hole functionality.
- Device isolation: The ability to isolate smart home devices from the rest of the network.
I have considered so far:
1. Firewalla: Most models lack built-in Wi-Fi (except for Firewalla Purple [1]), and shipping to Europe comes with import taxes.
2. Turris Omnia: Seems like a good choice [2] and is built on open-source OpenWrt. That said, I’m unsure how hands-on it would be to configure it for the features I need.
What would you recommend? What do you use at home?
Any that runs OPENWRT.
It's important to use firmware from open-source because it's auditable and inspectable. Another reason is it supports everything you're looking for above, functionality-wise. As an music artist who doesn't program anything other than html+css, I appreciate openWRT's UI, great forums and resources, and network controls to prioritize traffic, reduce ads served, etc.
What is crazy is most of these routers can be had for ~20 used and handle most families concurrent connection needs, its incredible!
MikroTik hAP ax²