apex86 a day ago

Hi HN, I'm working on an idea that combines ride-sharing with social networking. The concept, called Ridechain®, connects users with friends (or friends of friends) to provide services like carpooling, grocery delivery, and food delivery. The goal is to make these activities more personal, trusted, and community-driven. I’m at the idea-validation stage and want to understand if this could truly solve real problems or if it might fall into the "tarpit idea" category—something that sounds cool but struggles to gain traction. To help refine this concept, I’ve created a short survey, and I’d be incredibly grateful if you could take a few minutes to share your thoughts: https://www.ridechain.com/ I'm especially looking for input on: * Whether this idea resonates with you or solves a problem you've encountered. * Any concerns or barriers you see in adopting such a platform. * Any other suggestions or feedback you'd like to share. Your insights would mean the world to me and could shape the direction of this project. If you’re curious or want to discuss further, I’d love to engage in the comments. Thanks so much for your time and help!

  • pvg a day ago

    HN has a thing specifically for showing and getting feedback on something you've made - take a look at https://news.ycombinator.com/showhn.html and https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=22336638

    You could post as a Show HN when you are ready for people to try it out.

    • apex86 a day ago

      Thank you for responding. Sorry for putting in in the wrong place. I will try to find out what I did wrong.

      • pvg a day ago

        It's not in the wrong place and I don't think you did anything wrong, there's just a better way to do this here.

        • apex86 a day ago

          I see. I haven't really done much but test my idea in the wind tunnel between my ears. I would feel more comfortable sharing something more substantial once I build something. Thanks again; I am excited to make this happen!