ryanmcbride a day ago

>In 2010, the Academy sought to combat this verbosity with a new 45-second rule. In response, some winners sped through their acknowledgements, while others used humour or emotion to buy extra time before the music signalled them off. Occasionally, the orchestra was ignored entirely, with speeches like Adrien Brody’s 2003 win for The Pianist running well over the limit.

Brody so clairvoyant that he can ignore limits that don't even exist yet.

ks2048 a day ago

Cool. As mentioned at the end, the oscars has site,


"This database contains more than 1,500 transcripts of onstage acceptance speeches given by Academy Award winners and acceptors."

mewse-hn a day ago

This was an enjoyable article but the conclusion where he finds the most thanked woman in oscar speeches and gets a response from her puts it over the top. Amazing.

ngriffiths a day ago

Very cool! I think mentions per word could be a good metric for some of these, otherwise a main takeaway is just "everyone crams in more stuff now."

abound a day ago

> I have added more details in the notes at the end of the article to explain how I found God, but for now, just have faith that I did.

  • noddleah a day ago

    > God cannot give them their next job - Steven Spielberg can

wuschel 19 hours ago

What is the go-to toolbox set these days to make this kind of analysis?

lblume a day ago

How exactly was the data evaluated? I would assume that manually checking every speech would be too labor-intensive?

  • ikanreed a day ago

    Not really? It's a lot of work, a multi-week project, but reading a couple hundred word speech can be done in 5 minutes, following a checklist in hand, probably 10 minutes. Times 12 categories, and 80 years of history, that's a lot of time 160 hours, a working month. A lot of effort but humanely doable.

    • LeifCarrotson a day ago

      That's true, but assumes you have the checklist of what data to analyze in hand when you start out. If you only decide after the fact which familial relationships have interesting trends, you'd have to start over again. It seems more reasonable to start by transcribing everything to text, annotating that text, and then running a lot of scripting to automatically query that data.

    • lblume a day ago

      Ok, obviously it's _doable_, but is it worth it? Using LLMs for this purpose would have been significantly cheaper, easier and with the right configuration just as reliable. Once the setup works, you could extend the analysis to all kinds of other interesting branches without having to look at a single speech by hand.

      I would even go so far as to say that _not_ using LLMs for this task would be fairly odd, unless I'm missing something or the author really enjoys a month of manually classifying documents to write an interesting and well-written but not exceedingly outstanding article.

      • flufluflufluffy a day ago

        Some people like doing stuff.

        • lblume 21 hours ago

          Of course. It's just my opinion that this task would be perceived by most to be fairly repetitive and unfulfilling, but if the author thinks otherwise, great for him.

cruelmathlord a day ago

this is a very interesting project. I like when technology is used to analyze cultural or political events

ziofill 17 hours ago

The 50s must have been odd

rsktaker a day ago

Awesome, what dedication!

6stringmerc a day ago

Great dive into the nature of the speeches and some interesting tidbits.

Counting the instances of the word “amazing” would be a fun follow up. That was our drinking game cue word. We inevitably stopped at some point because…poisoning became likely.