Show HN: Semantic Games – Word games based on meaning instead of spelling
inotherwords.appI created this catalog of games that explore relationships between words through meaning rather than spelling patterns. It ranges from 1960s synonym chains to modern AI-powered games like NYT Connections.
My contribution is "In Other Words," which challenges players to connect seemingly unrelated concepts (like "chocolate" to "money") through semantic stepping stones. The underlying technology maps 1.1M words with 60M connections.
Show HN is for showing your own work that can be tried which excludes things like lists and, well, not-you-own-work - take a look at
You should post a Show HN for the thing you've made, though!
ah, got it... so same idea, but no "Show HN"?
Well, lists don't make great HN posts but if I'm reading this right, this is your own work right? You can post that as a Show HN and add a blurb describing it, anything interesting you want to point out or figured out when building it, etc. You could also link your list-of-other-things page there. A Show HN just says 'I made this, let's shoot the shit about it'.
Ok. Yes that game is my own work.
But The larger context of semantic games is really disordered, and I'm proud of the "list" page because there's nothing like it on the web. And I think it's interesting to see a suite of semantic games in one place. But... if you think it would be disregarded as just another listicle, maybe I will not waste HN reader's eyeball time.