Launch Check – Turn your launch into a deadline you can't ignore

2 points by rodgetech a day ago

We've all had projects that slipped through the cracks. Staying motivated to build something—especially when you're unsure if others will find it useful—is tough...

But hey, we're all builders with ideas and the first step toward any successful startup is launching. Even if it's just a landing page, a waitlist, or a work in progress, the key is to bring your idea to life is by putting it out there.

LaunchCheck is a simple way to turn your launch into a deadline you can't ignore.

How it works:

1. Set your launch goal – Register your project, describe what you're building, and claim your launch domain. Pick a deadline. No excuses.

2. Stay accountable – We’ll scan your domain until the specified deadline. If there’s no sign of progress, expect regular email nudges to get back to building.

3. Face the consequences – Miss your deadline? You and your project go straight to the Hall of Shame. Ship something—even a rough draft—and you’ll land in the Hall of Fame instead.

No more abandoned projects. Launch or be shamed.

Ready to commit? Join the waitlist here: