And as usual, gives a very long non-answer, including gems such as:
> Most internet plans are asymmetrical, meaning they offer a higher download speed and lower upload speed. This is because typical internet usage involves more downloading then uploading.
What puzzles me is the deflecting, on EVERY SINGLE ANSWER, hey guys, c'mon if you have over 30 people reporting the exactly same behavior then it is not longer on the end user, it is on YOU!
URL <>
And as usual, gives a very long non-answer, including gems such as:
> Most internet plans are asymmetrical, meaning they offer a higher download speed and lower upload speed. This is because typical internet usage involves more downloading then uploading.
What puzzles me is the deflecting, on EVERY SINGLE ANSWER, hey guys, c'mon if you have over 30 people reporting the exactly same behavior then it is not longer on the end user, it is on YOU!