angrytechie 15 hours ago

A massive part of modern military operations, including cyberwarfare, is the understanding that a battle happening in someone else's territory is better than one happening at home. Or, more prosaically, "the best defense is a good offense".

Offensive cyberops help us identify when our own systems have been breached and give us valuable information about future attacks, even before you get into the very real physical warfare happening in Ukraine.

Every day it seems more like these guys are _actually_ working for the Russians

  • anonym00se1 14 hours ago

    Either working for them, bribed by them, compromised by them, or useful idiots for them.

    • jiggawatts 13 hours ago

      Trump and his kids have admitted that their real estate business had a disproportionate amount of its revenue originating from Russia — most probably money laundering or simply keeping wealth safe from Putin.

      Trump doesn’t see any problem with Russia because he’s not personally negatively affected by them, but he profits from their business.

      It’s as simple as that.

BobbyTables2 15 hours ago

If country A attacks B, doesn’t that make them enemies?

What was that thing about aiding and comforting the enemy?

rzzzwilson 14 hours ago

I'm sure Russia, in response, will halt all offensive cyber operations against the USA. /s